
Peter Harlowe from Foxbat Australia tackles the thorny issue of LSA maintenance.

Will RA-Aus get a weight increase to 760 KGs?

RAAus today launched their 2018 Member Survey, and is calling on all members to have their say.

RAAus has reported a surplus of $121,000 for the six months of the 2017-18 financial year.

Pipistrel will open a new manufacturing plant in China to manufacture the Alpha Electro and Panthera Hybrid aircraft, and develop a major aviation hub.

RAAus has urged the general aviation community to disregard rumours about Airventure Australia.

RAAus is focusing on Fitness to Fly for both pilot and aeroplane as the theme for National Safety Month.

One new member joins the RAAus board.

German manufacturer Flight Design has new owners after the liquidators sold the company and assets this week.

Caloundra flying school GoFly has pioneered innovative 360-degree online flight training.

RAAus will no longer issue ASICs after a boardroom decision to stop.

Foxbat Australia's Peter Harlowe tackles the mysteries of why LSAs often balloon or float on landing.

RAAus CEO Michael Linke is among several speakers scheduled for the Safeskies conference in October.

Flight Design has unveiled a new low-wing aircraft that has been designed especially for a South Korean government order.

RAAus has released a new survey prior to reviewing their strategic plan.

Two of Germany's major recreational aircraft manufacturers, Remos and Stemme, announced yesterday that the companies have merged.