
Czech manufacturer TL Ultralights has added a new low-wing retractable aircraft to their product range.

RAAus is preparing to introduce a new category of aircraft to accept the new 760-kg maximum take-off weight.

Jabiru Aircraft has packed up and dispatched its 3000th six-cylinder 3300 engine.

Pipistrel yesterday signed an agreement for the Virus SW LSA to be built in Hungary.

RAAus this week opened their 2021 member survey for feedback.

Czech manufacturer JMB Aircraft has delivered the first VL3 Evolution fitted with a Rotax 915 engine.

Rotax will cease production of its iconic 582 UL two-stroke motor.

Steve Hitchen speaks with new RAAus CEO Matt Bouttell.

Albury company Smartair announced yesterday that it had acquired Foxbat Australia.

CASA has removed the restrictions on Bristell LSAs that prevented them from being used in stall training.

RAAus has called for the government to develop a National Airspace Strategy to ensure all users have equal access.

Flight Design has logged the best start to the year since new investment three years ago.

RAAus is now officially an Approved Self-administering Aviation Organisation.

RAAus last week began accepting applications for its 2021 scholarship program.

CASA last week issued a Part 149 approval for RAAus to take effect from 31 March 2021.

RAAus today announced Matt Bouttell as the new CEO to replace Michael Linke, who resigned in September.