Advanced Skills

When you Aviate, Navigate and Communicte, these are not one-off things. By Jim Davis.

In wet weather flying, Jim Davis suggests you fly round, under, or over the weather, but never in the cloud unless you are instrument-rated, current and in a properly equipped aircraft.

If you see some corner cutting there is probably a whole lot more you don’t see. By Jim Davis.

If your instructor doesn’t teach you how to handle emergencies, get another instructor. By Jim Davis.

Learn to fly slowly

Most of us feel a bit edgy when the ASI creeps within 10kts of the stall. Jim Davis offers some hints on how to be comfortable and in control – even when the airspeed is 20kts below the stall.

If you are going to do a go-round, do it properly. By Jim Davis.

A whole flock of small bad choices can cause just as much trouble as one big one. By Jim Davis.

Steve Hitchen spent three days immersed in Beechcraft culture at a Bonanza Pilot Proficiency Program.

Doing a proper pre-flight is a crash/don’t crash decision you make every time you fly. Here Jim Davis tells four stories of disaster, or near disaster, caused by pilots failing to check various tiny orifices.

Aiming to make safer pilots of us, here veteran instructor Jim Davis looks at extracts from official CAA Accident Reports from his own homeland of South Africa and analyses why things went wrong and how we may all avoid making similar mistakes.

Aiming to make safer pilots of us, here veteran instructor Jim Davis looks at extracts from official CAA Accident Reports from his own homeland of South Africa and analyses why things went wrong and how we may all avoid making similar mistakes.