• Cover of January-February 2025 Australian Flying
    Cover of January-February 2025 Australian Flying

Did Santa not drop January-February 2025 into your Christmas stocking? In that case, you'll have to get yourself down to the local newsagent and get one for yourself! This issue explores certified Pipistrels, Slings, Falcon 6X, GippsAero, flight training and a score of other interesting and informative general aviation topics. You'll find it all behind an alluring image of two WT9 Dynamics in formation. Here's what you get:

You might well ask, where is Boulia, and why camel races?  Like most pilots, you don’t need to ask Eric Keys twice to talk about his adventures.

A Fling with a Sling
Philip Arthur meets A320 Captain and Sling owner/builder Linda Sollis.

A Century in the Sky
A hundred years is a long time in aviation. Paul Southwick visits two aero clubs who have a century's survival rate.

The Renaissance of GippsAero
Just over a year ago, the Australian general aviation community was ecstatic to hear the company was once again Australian-owned. Steve Hitchen catches up with the Morgan family to explore the future for this iconic company.

The Price of Dreams
Stephen Limkin takes a look at the high cost of flight training in Australia.

Fit to be Certified
A known glider and LSA builder, Slovenian company Pipistrel also offers two certified airframes with very different power plants. Steve Hitchen travelled to Pipistrel Italia to assess the Velis Electro and SW 121A Explorer.

The Falcon 6X
Undeniably French, undeniably impressive, Benn Marks takes a look at the box-ticking Falcon 6X.

And the regulars: Editorial, News, Products, Right Seat Rules, Reports from the Regions, Right Hand Seat, Rotors, Safety Matters, Down to Business, What Can We Learn? and Short Final

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