• Chairman of the General Aviation Advisory Network, IAOPA Vice President Andrew Andersen.
    Chairman of the General Aviation Advisory Network, IAOPA Vice President Andrew Andersen.

CASA Director of Aviation Safety Pip Spence announced today that Andrew Andersen has been appointed Chair of the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) after the retirement of Pat Murray.

Andersen has been chair of the minister's General Aviation Advisory Network (GAAN) since 2019 and is a former president of AOPA Australia and is vice president, Pacific Region, of the International council of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations.

Andersen has already been involved in several ASAP Technical Working Groups (TWG) including the medical and future airspace groups, and has co-chaired the Australian Strategic Air Traffic Management Group (ASTRA) and is a specialist in SBAS technology.

In welcoming Andersen to the role, Spence also extended her gratitude to Pat Murray, who chaired the ASAP since its inception.

"Pat was a driving force behind the panel," she said. "We thank him for his insight, dedication and the huge amount of work he put into setting it up and ensuring it runs effectively."

ASAP was first formed in 2017 with Murray as the chair, implemented to provide a channel for consultation between CASA and the aviation industry.

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